Behowl the Moon (retailer package)
Behowl the Moon (retailer package)
Also available wholesale from Baker & Taylor, Follett, and Brodart.
Subtitle: An Ageless Story from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Author: Erin Nelsen Parekh
Illustrator: Mehrdokht Amini
Publisher: Drivel and Drool
Wholesaler: Baker & Taylor
ISBN: 0-9984397-1-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-9984397-1-6
U.S. Price: $9.99 Retail Discount: 50%
Shipping: UPS Ground ($16 flat fee) or enter your shipping instructions at checkout
Format: board book
Trim size: 7 x 7 inches
Page count: 22
Pub date: March 2017
JUVENILE FICTION / Performing Arts/Theater
JUVENILE FICTION / Bedtime & Dreams
Praise for Behowl the Moon
· “With the fervor of Maurice Sendak’s Wild Things on their rumpus…it’s at once sophisticated and approachable, with a whimsy youngsters will enjoy.”–Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
· “An unusual and lovely introduction to the rhythms and cadences of Shakespeare’s writing.” –Publishers Weekly
· “[W]hat a rich introduction to language this read-aloud book is for the lap crowd, with double-spread illustrations of a magical night where fairies and various animals flit through the forest under a starlit sky, ending with Puck's last words as sleep overtakes them all.” –Lynne Heffley, Parents’ Choice Foundation (Recommended choice)
· "I'm absolutely tickled there's a Shakespeare book for young kids. Everybody loves a rhyming couplet—whether it's Dr. Seuss or Shakespeare, it's fun." Dr. David L. Hill, chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Council on Communications and Media
For more information, please contact Erin Nelsen Parekh at enparekh@dramaticellipsis dot com.